![Lesson 5 Thinking into Results](https://images.groovetech.io/mafAtq93dldGpfI9Tzs7jIdKxIQVuj2yBwHupWzjjQg/rs:fit:0:0:0/g:no:0:0/c:0:0/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3NldHMuZ3Jvb3ZlYXBwcy5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2UwYTkxZmIyLTE3ODMtNDE3OC04YTQyLTc2YzQ5NDRhMGM2YS8xNjY2ODAwMjkyX0xlc3NvbjVUaGlua2luZ2ludG9SZXN1bHRzLnBuZw.webp)
Innovation and Proactive Thinking
Teaches people how to think and how to analyze their thinking. Helps them realize past results are a reflection of past thinking and to change what they are getting they have to change their thinking. Helps individuals and teams to develop creative, innovative solutions to problems to increase success and happiness. Employees see problems as opportunities to strengthen the team, the company, and create desired results, which can be measured in the increase of success.